So as Black Friday shopping over the last few years has evolved to more online and less stress in the stores and with more stores opening earlier and earlier. The stress of shopping and beating your competition out the gates to the big sales, still can weaigh heavy on your mind and Body.

Over the years many have been seriously hurt and when the dust settles that TV you wanted is cheaper later on in the Christmas season. The Question though how do you stay safe, not just during the Friday rush, but throughout the Holiday season? Here's a list of things I think that are important during this time of year.

These are just a few tips, I'll have more throughout the Holiday Season.

When you’re shopping or walking in public:

  • Carry a cell phone
  • Alert family/friends to your travel plans and when you may be home
  • Have an escort, if possible
  • Avoid carrying large sums of money
  • Report suspicious people or activity to police
  • Walk in well-lit, populated areas; avoid cut-through paths
  • Avoid walking near hedges or bushes.
  • Before leaving a bus/rail station, observe others


Shopping in Stores

  • Do not buy more than you can carry. Plan ahead by taking a friend with you or asking a store employee to help you carry your packages to the car.
  • Save all receipts. Print and save all confirmations from your online purchases. Start a file folder to keep all receipts together and to help you verify credit card or bank statements as they come in.
  • Don’t flash the cash. Consider alternate options to pay for your merchandise, such as onetime or multi-use disposable credit cards or money orders, including at online stores.
  • Wait until asked by a cashier before taking out your credit card or checkbook. An enterprising thief would love to shoulder surf to get your account information.

3. Walking to and from your car

  • Be informed about your surroundings. Use the free mobile app available from AlertID™ to receive alerts about registered sex offenders living and working in the vicinity of your shopping venue.
  • Deter pickpockets. Carry your purse close to your body or your wallet inside a coat or front trouser pocket.
  • Have your keys in hand when approaching your vehicle. Check the back seat and around the car before getting in.
  • Tell a security guard or store employee if you see an unattended bag or package. The same applies if you are using mass transit.
  • Do not leave packages visible in your car. Lock them in the trunk, or if possible, take them directly home.

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