Chris Brown premiered his new documentary Welcome To My Life in Los Angeles Tuesday (June 6). Although it was a star-studded event, his two special dates stole the show. The "Privacy" singer walked the red carpet with his gorgeous 3 year-old daughter Royalty and his mother Joyce Hawkins.

Breezy showed up in all black and draped in gold chains as he walked the red carpet with his baby in his arms. Royalty wore an all white princess-styled dress with sparkling pink shoes.

During the several interviews throughout the night, Brown let reporters know how much Royalty truly inspires and means to him. “She is my life,” he said. “She’s a part of my life in all aspects. I thought music was at first but she’s number one, and then the music. Bringing her here, I wanted to show her that daddy is cool, I guess.”

Chris also made sure to thank his fans for their unwavering support. He posted a picture on Instagram to thank them as well writing, “Thank you team breezy!!!”

The Welcome To My Life documentary about the Brown's triumphs, struggles and overall journey. It's a closer look into the life of the award-winning singer fans have never seen before. The film also features Jamie Foxx, Usher, DJ Khaled, Jennifer Lopez, Rita Ora, and Mary J. Blige.

Other than Breezy's family, a lot of his celebrity friends attended the premiere in support of him as well, including Diddy and his sons Justin and Christian, Jhene Aiko, Tyga, Kid Ink, O.T. Genasis, and many more.

Welcome to My Life is set to hit theaters tomorrow, June 8th.


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