It's hard to describe the feelings left following a terrorist attack. Usually, even if not directly, we're all affected and left with sobering feelings of shock and awe. The odd thing about terrorism, though, is that it never kills the spirit it worked against. There's a reason for that.

Hatred will NEVER conquer. Regardless of a person's religious beliefs or lack thereof, most people subscribe to the idea of being led and influenced by energies, or "powers." The whole concept of even karma is one of a projected energy being returned. What exactly does this mean? It means that we need to be more careful about the way we handle people. We should never allow a characteristic of a person to define that entire being.

Have you ever had a friend who was an amazing person that others overlooked for a reason such as not being attractive enough, being overweight, or being underweight? You find yourself attempting to to convey to others the fact that this person's humor, wit, intelligence, etc. far outweigh what is deemed to be a negative trait.

This is because we inherently focus on the positive attributes of our loved ones, which is why it is a rare occurrence to hear faults highlighted at funerals. And even after a loved one has died, we often find ourselves reliving moments we shared with them, we smell things that remind us of them, and even say things like, "I felt like [deceased person] right then." Even in death, that person's spirit continues to live.

So, what exactly happens when murderers takes lives? The deceased's physical beings cease to walk the earth, but their spirits remain. So then, what was really accomplished? If the murderer isn't killed, the punishment for the crime places an end to his freedom... In essence, his own life. Some are willing to pay that price. It's almost impossible to not question if murderers ever fully think about their acts. If they did, they'd have to see that their few minutes of self-gratification accomplish nothing but their own demise.

Hatred only kills the heart that holds it.

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