This morning, I read an article about a bride and her father who instead of having a traditional father-daughter dance at her wedding, opted for something entirely their own. It made me wonder: if I ever get married, what would I do?

I haven't lived with my dad since I was 9. Our parents divorced a few years later, and we would spend every summer and some holidays with our dad until I was 16 and started working. My older brother, who was then in his early teen years, became more of the male authoritative figure in my life once our parents divorced. Although he never really prohibited me from dating, he did express when he didn't approve of someone who showed an interest in me. He was also my direct, more intimate male spiritual leader.  When I came to Stillman, my brother not only checked me when I didn't go to church, but he also watched out for me.

Eventually, we became roommates and lived together for 2 years before he got married.  Once he got married, I moved out. But two years into his marriage, he and his wife bought a house, and I moved in with THEM. I wasn't a bum. They just wanted to give me the opportunity to save money while also being "protected" as a single woman. Even now, I consult him when I'm considering a major decision.

I've always told my brother that if I ever get married, I want our dad to walk me halfway down the aisle, where my brother will meet us and join in taking me down the rest of the way. In my fantasy, when asked who gives me away, they'd say, "We do." Then, the ceremony would commence. This way, I'd still honor my father but also honor my brother's significance in my development as a woman. I've gotten all of this figured out, but what do I do at the reception?  Do I omit the traditional father-daughter dance?  I've thought about dancing with my father but having each of my brothers to cut in. I've been told that every woman dreams of her wedding day, and I've seen shows where brides always exclaim, "It's everything I've ever imagined!" Other than the aisle-walking thing, I've never really imagined the details of my wedding.  Now that I am trying to dream about it, I need a little help. It's crazy how much confusion one missing or displaced piece causes. If I need help, I know there are other women that do.

What does a fatherless woman do? Suppose her father died and her mother never remarried, or she has no brothers. Does she dance with her mother instead? Dance in a group with her best friends. Dance with HIS father, as a way of being accepted into the family?  Any suggestions?

This video had me in tears before the dance even began.

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