A few days ago, a few of my co-workers and I were asked about having a pumpkin-carving contest.  Not wanting to be a poor sport, I agreed to take part, even though I'd never carved a pumpkin before in my life and had no idea where to begin.  



So, I did a google search on carving, got the basics, and got to work.  When I tell you that this was one of the most disgusting things I've ever done....



I read that I was supposed to cut the top at an angle to allow it to be replaced. So, that's what I did.  Did it dawn on me that at the angle, the hole might be too small for me to work effectively? Nope.  Could I go back and cut it large enough?  Well, in hindsight, I probably could have, but it would have had to been at an angle too to keep that part from falling in.  Anyway, I didn't cut my hole large enough to work adequately.  I was doomed from the start.... But not too doomed to throw some lashes on this thang!



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