I want to tell you about one of my pet peeves. The response you get when someone wants to borrow money and you tell them no can be quite interesting.

  • Hey, I know you have it! What, you don’t think I’ll pay you back?
  • I knew you were going to say that before I asked!
  • That’s alright! You will need me one day!
  • You don’t ever want to help anybody! It’s gonna come back on you one day. You know what goes around comes around.
  • Why? I know you have it because I know who you loaned out some money yesterday.
  • Awe man! I promised one of my friends I would help them out this week.
  • Just because you got a little money don’t make you any better than everybody.
  • Thanks for nothing! We never should have come to you in the first place.
  • Are you really going turn your back on me like this right now?
  • You are going die and go straight to hell, God don’t like ugly.
  • Is it because I didn’t pay you back the last few times? Man I can’t believe you are holding that against me.

The last one is my favorite! If have experienced this feel free to comment on or add to as you like.

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