From time to time, we all discover that we've lost a friend/follower, and we all wonder why. We don't always really CARE, just wonder, even if only for a brief second.

The following are PETTY reasons why I've deleted people... (And when I say petty, I mean PETTY!)

  1. They posted stupid things on their own pages, and I didn't want anyone to think I was dumb too. You know, birds of a feather...
  2. Game requests. OK, we know you're not sending the requests but you gave the game permission to contact me on your behalf. I eventually learned how to block the requests, but a few people were cut off beforehand.
  3. I felt like I needed a decoder to read their posts. "I wud love 4 yhu tew meet mi mom." Just why?

Of course, there are also deliberate reasons why I've deleted people such as our friendships ended in real life, I got tired of being added to groups, or I was being sent vulgar messages; but I'm quite sure I'm not the only person to delete people for petty reasons. What are some of yours?

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