At 7:30 this morning, my mom picked up my daughter and me to go to Macon, Miss., where a new dollar store was holding its grand opening.

While they had door buster prices on some items, I really went just to get out the house for a reason other than work and to spend time with my family.

It was early. This was a priceless moment for me, as I'm usually driving or in the front.
It was early. This was a priceless moment for me, as I'm usually driving or in the front.

When we got to the store, they were signing up customers for door prizes. Radio station staff can never win radio contests. So, I put my name into the drawing but never expected to actually win. They pulled my name in the first drawing, which was for a 32" Sanyo tv.


I went nuts!  It wasn't the prize that got me excited. It was the fact that the entire experience made me feel like a winner! While checking out, I was also given a Lay's beach umbrella as an additional prize!

At the grand opening, there was live music; and they also gave away free food and drinks. Once we left, we went a few miles down the highway to a restaurant and bakery run by Mennonites. I ordered one of the best chicken salad sandwiches I've ever had!

After our meal, we made our way back to Tuscaloosa. It was a remarkable morning. But since I'm doing all this winning around here, I wonder if I can head down the road and  make it an equally remarkable evening..... 🙄

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