In December 1990, I migrated South from Joliet, Illinois, (Yeah, home of Stateville Penitentiary), to Tuscaloosa, Alabama, to come work in a cow pasture at the LEGENDARY Z102. I told myself back then, "If I don't like it here, I can always move back in 6 months". Well, here it is, 25 Years later and I'm still HERE! I LOVE this town, I LOVE these people, and I'm a LUCKY man who's been able to entertain folks on the radio for over 3 decades. I'm HONORED to have been voted "Tuscaloosa's Favorite Radio DJ" on 8 different occasions, and I'm still FLATTERED when people stop me on the street to either hug my neck or shake their fist at me! I've emceed at over 1000 events, as I consider myself part DJ, part comedian, & part lounge singer. I'm also an accomplished hard rock guitarist thanks to spending a few years on the road in several non-famous bands. I'm a HUGE Chicago Sports Fan, (GO CUBS!), as well as an Alabama Football Fan, (ROLL TIDE!). I'm also quite fond of Tom Jones, Lifetime Movie Network Movies, Eddie Van Halen, Greek Food, Ric Flair, The Beach, & Long John Silver's.