I’ve been on the radio in some fashion since I was in High School and have been with Alt 101.7 since we went on the air. It’s the perfect radio home for me! Yeah, I grew up with all the “Time Warp Tuesday” music but have found a ton of new favorites thanks to the evolution of the alternative format. One of my passions is curating and producing Indies Only, which airs every Saturday from 9p-12a. Supporting independent and unsigned artists has been a love of mine for most of my adult life. Outside of radio, I am the play-by-play announcer for Tuscaloosa’s one and only roller derby team, the Druid City Dames. I’ve been involved with derby for the last 12 or 13 years and am so glad I’m able to use my knowledge of the sport for good! On my days off I can be found listening to records, watching documentaries, traveling, and holding up a bar in a craft beer joint somewhere.