Beware of These Area Codes in Alabama – They Might Be Scam Calls!
Most people's preferred method of contact nowadays is text or maybe even a voice message. But for those who do still enjoy picking up the phone to talk, you might be at risk.
Hopefully, the important people in your life have their contact saved in your phone, but some calls can be important and the number does not necessarily need to be saved. This could be a job opportunity or even an important business call.
In this case, people usually will say “Well if it’s important they’ll leave a voicemail”, but this is not the case for all, some just answer.
Now with the help of modern-day technology, our phones give us identification of scam callers with the number appearing as “scam likely” or “telemarketer”. Unlike the old days, this helps prevent having to call your cell phone provider to get them to block the calls.
Of course, society knew that the scammers would find some way to get around this and they have.
Scammers are now able to use certain area codes to bypass caller ID blocking to appear as trustworthy callers and attempt fraud. Social Catfish has comprised a list of some area codes that Alabamians should avoid at all costs!

Watch Out For These Area Codes
The top area codes you should beware of are:
The 268 area code is used by scammers who do fraud whereas the 876, which is based in Jamaica, is used for lottery and work-at-home scams, which is a very common thing of today. Area codes 473, 649, and 284 are all used for various forms of fraud.
In a nutshell, if you don’t know the number then don’t pick up because you could be a victim.
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