
Top 5 Items On My Baby WishList
Top 5 Items On My Baby WishList
Top 5 Items On My Baby WishList
I'm officially 1 month into parenthood and it's been amazing! The way my son is growing is amazing to see. He's breastfeeding well, becoming more alert, and sleeping really good. The one issue is that I find 3-5 new items online that I want to buy for him!!! LOL! These items have been in and out of my cart on Amazon and will soon be there again. Check out my list current baby wishlist.
Toys From My Childhood That I’m Buying For My Kids
Toys From My Childhood That I’m Buying For My Kids
Toys From My Childhood That I’m Buying For My Kids
So right now I'm in the parenting stage where my infant is starting to smile regularly and I'm already thinking of toys that my son would enjoy. I couldn't help but also think of the toys I enjoyed during my childhood! Even though we have a few years before Nuppy can play with these, I came up with a list of toys from my childhood that Nuppy will definitely have because they're just THAT cool!
Top 5 New Father Faves
Top 5 New Father Faves
Top 5 New Father Faves
After my first week of parenthood there have been some items that we used constantly. I honestly couldn't imagine having a newborn without these items. Check out my list below.
First 5 Things A New Dad Uses
First 5 Things A New Dad Uses
First 5 Things A New Dad Uses
I can definitely say, there are some essentials that every father needs when beginning his journey into parenthood. I've put together my top 5 list for every newborn father.

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