High school seniors representing eight of the nine counties in West Alabama attended the West Alabama Works' WOW 2.0 event where over 600 contingent job offers were made to students.
Dollar General management overseeing workers in Tuscaloosa, Alabama and across the state AND country trying to silence angry, tired, overworked and underpaid employees? That's not the American way! One Tuscaloosa area employee, who posted her comments here, said a boss told her to delete all comments, about Dollar General putting workers at risk in relation to safety standards, immediately or be fired. In addition she was told to get rid of any post with negative comments about Dollar General.
Dollar General management overseeing workers in Tuscaloosa, Alabama and across the state AND country trying to silence angry, tired, overworked and underpaid employees? That's not the American way! One Tuscaloosa area employee, who posted her comments here, said a boss told her to delete all comments, about Dollar General putting workers at risk in relation to safety standards, immediately or be fired. In addition she was told to get rid of any post with negative comments about Dollar General.
2021 has been a rough year for many in West Alabama. Finding the right job has been a complicated search. This job fair could be the change that many need.
Graduating from college is an exciting time, full of both positive emotions and a lot of "Uh oh, now I have to find a job and make a living." Not only have you been let out into the working world with a million of your peers, that same working world is already full of people who've been on the job hunt longer than you. These people have experience and networks. Getting a job is not going
Job interviews are hard enough without sabotaging yourself by making some major mistakes that hiring managers say are all too common. These seem like obvious interview no-nos, but they’re at the top of every recruiter’s list of things they see people doing all the time that kill their chances of being offered a job.
If you’re looking for a job, you’ve probably got your résumé online and you may even be attending career fairs. Whether you have a little or a lot of experience in your industry, there are certain working skills that all recruiters—no matter what job they’re trying to fill—are looking for in a candidate.