Johnny Stone, a teenager in Akron who has been collecting sports trading cards with his father for years, recently pulled a Mac Jones rookie card worth an astonishing amount.
So you're an Alabama football fan? You live three hours away from the nearest NFL team, but you still want to enjoy your Sundays by watching Crimson Tide alums dominate the NFL. Which NFL team should you adopt for the 2022 season?
Mac Jones and the New England Patriots made a big statement in Sunday’s 45-7 route of the Cleveland Browns. The Patriots certainly found their rhythm as a team having won their fourth consecutive game to improve to 6-4 on the season.
Former Alabama and current New England Patriots quarterback Mac Jones has come under fire this past week for a questionable play that left an opponent injured. Jones was sacked while playing against the Carolina Panthers this past weekend when he lost the football. He subsequently grabbed hold of defensive end Brian Burns' leg, twisted his ankle and took him to the ground.