It's the holiday season, and most of us may be filled with Christmas cheer, but, according to American Family Physician, 4-6 percent of people suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder, also known as holiday depression. Those statistics don't include those who suffer from just 'plain old' depression.

In the Black community, when it comes to mental health, we always try to pray it away or tell people it will get better. It's nice to do those things, but some times, we need to be more proactive family members and/or friends.

Check on your friends - make sure they are okay. If they need to talk/vent, then be that calming person for them. You don't always have to bring your opinion, some times people just need an ear.

Depression is real and suicide is realer.

Here are some signs to look for in a friend that may have depression:

1. Loss of interest in things that were previously pleasurable.

2. Problems sleeping, or sleeping too much.

3. Eating changes.

4. Irritable or angry.

5. Excessive negative thoughts.

6. Suicidal ideas.

Of course, if you realize these signs, you should have them speak to a doctor to be evaluated, but you should still make it your mission to help.

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