Around this time each year, I do an inventory of my benefits vs doctor's visits, and I always realize I owe myself. What do I mean by this? I'm glad you asked.

Every pay period, an insurance premium is deducted from my check. Same for most people who have insurance, right? Well, for the most part, I don't go to the doctor. I mean, I know it's better to have preventive care than to try to get well, but I try not to waste money; and to me, going to the doctor to be told to go home and drink plenty of fluids is a waste of money.

Anyway, at the beginning of the month, I went ahead and made appointments with my doctors. Although I don't want to pay for something unnecessary, I STILL pay too much to never use any of it. So, at least once a year, I make my insurance count. If you're paying for insurance but haven't been to the doctor at all this year, you owe it to yourself. I'll be headed to the optometrist tomorrow.

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