Never thought I would hear about this, a pastor's wife was fined for praying too loud. Now let me get this straight, you can get fined for praying too loud.Well that's what happened to a pastor 's wife recently.It was said that her loud prayers were becoming a bother to some of the residents in town and she was asked to turn down the volume at which she prays.

The pastor said it was not right to punish someone who was praising God. This is America the very same one in which religious freedom was fought for and won. Our money says 'In God We Trust', people say 'God Bless America', there is a church on almost any corner in town and yet ,this woman gets fined for praying too loud.

The woman says this is a test of her faith and she is not going to be quiet about the goodness of God..It is a sad day when society can antagonize someone for what they believe. I say you pray girl,as loud and as long as you want.

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