James Gandolfini Dies
James Gandolfini Dies
James Gandolfini Dies
James Gandolfini, who gained fame as Tony Soprano on the wildly popular HBO hit 'The Sopranos,' has died of a possible heart attack. He was just 51 years old.
‘True Blood’ Season Premiere Review: “Who Are You, Really?”
‘True Blood’ Season Premiere Review: “Who Are You, Really?”
‘True Blood’ Season Premiere Review: “Who Are You, Really?”
‘True Blood’ season six spurts out its first episode of the year, as Sookie and the others attempt to determine what Bill has become in the wake of his rebirth, while Jason meets a mysterious stranger, and the Louisiana Governor makes his intentions to persecute vampires known.. Last season’s ‘True Blood’ finale “Save Yourself” left quite a few cliffhangers to be resolved, from Bill's resurrection