ALDOT Schedules Public Meeting
The Alabama Department of Transportation will host an open house meeting at the University Church of Christ on Jan. 27 from 4:30-7p.m. to provide area residents, businesses, and commuters information regarding the proposed project along US-82/McFarland Blvd. from west of Rose Blvd. to just east of Jug Factory Rd.
The project is expected to relieve congestion through signal design and access management improvements.
During this meeting, the public may review project info and maps, ask questions, and discuss the project with ALDOT staff along with reps from the project design consultants. From 5:30-6:30p.m., a public forum will be held. Persons wishing to provide comments to ALDOT reps during the public forum should register at the sign-in table. There is a two minute time limit for each person to speak. Written comments may be submitted by completing the comment sheet during the meeting.
Call James Brown at 205-553-7030 for more info.