31 Days Of Spring Cleaning Challenge
31 Days Of Spring Cleaning Challenge
It’s hard to imagine that the first day of Spring will be Thursday, March 19th. A big tradition is “Spring Cleaning,” but in my family, “spring cleaning” is viewed a tad bit differently. My mother was adamant that we have a yearly spring cleaning to be sure we got rid of clutter, deep cleaned the house, and had the opportunity to give back. My mother’s thought process was that if we buckle down and get this done in March, we could enjoy our spring and summer weekend’s not deep-cleaning (except for general cleaning) and decluttering. And when I say “we,” I mean “I” did all the regular cleaning chores. [insert rolling eyes lol]. Here is a great checklist to follow for your “Spring Cleaning” from Merry Maids. This is almost the hand-written list my mother had, but added to her list was donations and outside cleaning.
Each day in March, I encourage you to gather one item that you don’t use anymore but is in good condition that you can donate to a local charity. On April 1st, you can take your collected items and help others. These items range from clothing, shoes, household items, kitchen utensils, toys, and more. I will be sharing pictures of the items I add to my challenge bucket weekly.
Don’t gasp, but this is the room I am going to tackle in March. No secret, when I moved last summer, I had to downsize considerably but still have tons of stuff that belong to my parents. I have not had the heart to depart with just yet but now it is time. And this room has turned into the "collect all" room. So, there is no telling what I have tossed in here. LOL! So, my goal is to have this room clutter-free, deep cleaned and set up to be my art room by April 1st. Wish me luck!
(Source) For the First Day Of Spring information, click here. For more on Merry Maids and their Spring Cleaning check list, click here.