Did You Know That Tuscaloosa Still Has Traditional Taxis?
Ok so maybe it's just me, but I'm completely mindblown that regular taxis still exist! Who knew?!
Earlier this week, we took our car to get serviced and my wife was left without a vehicle while I was at work. She was left in a hard situation because, in just a few hours, both of our kids had a doctor's appointment.
It was just our luck that the car wasn't done after a few hours so she ended up taking a taxi to the doctor. When she sent me the text that she and the kids took a taxi, I automatically thought she meant an Uber.

I thought to myself…. “It’s 2022, who is really taking a taxi these days?! They don’t even exist anymore.”
when I finally caught back up with my wife and the kids and we discussed our day, I found out I was completely wrong. She took a real taxi!
My wife described how nice the taxi driver was and how accommodating he was with the kids. He had a DVD player in the car and played a Shrek movie to keep the kids entertained.
After getting over the shock of real taxis being in service in Alabama, I almost felt a little jealous.
I dint think I’ve ever been in a traditional taxi. I wouldn’t even know how to call one. Where do I search? Do I just google it?
Shout out to the traditional taxi drivers in Alabama. Who knew it was still a thing.