On Wednesday (Jan. 5), four 18 year olds — two men and two women — were arrested for kidnapping and torturing a mentally disabled man on Facebook Live. The disgusting act happened in Chicago, and all of the teens are black and the victim is white.

Reportedly, the man is a classmate of one of the teenagers, and he was held in captivity for 24-hours straight.

One person also yelled "F--- Trump" and "F--- white people" in the clip, and now #BLMkidnapping is trending on Twitter, even though none of the perpetrators claimed to be a part of the group, an the justice movement is not associate wit the crime.

Since BLM has been a part of the national conversation on race, politics and police brutality, its members have been wrongfully blamed for a number of things, like Chicago's high crime rate, which the city's former Police Department superintendent spoke about this week.

"So what's happening, and this is ironic, is that a movement with the goal of saving black lives at this point is getting black lives taken, because 80 percent of our murder victims here in Chicago are male blacks," said Garry McCarthy.

After the teens were arrested, Chicago police Supt. Anthony Guglielmi said he couldn't believe what he witnessed in the video, though BLM was not associated with the crime.

"It's sickening," he stated. "You know it makes you wonder what would make individuals treat somebody like that."

Many critics expressed disgust that BLM is being associated with the crime, and say its a way for the movement to be demonized. Take a look at some of the responses below.


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