When it comes to the novel coronavirus, we’ve all heard of the breathing difficulty, the loss of taste and smell, lack of appetite, etc.  We’ve been old about how those with underlying conditions are more susceptible to extremely harmful affects of the virus.  However, unless we know of someone who’s contracted the disease, we don’t really know just how many of the body’s systems are affected by it.

One area man shared his experience as a diabetic in the fight against COVID-19.

Mr. M took to social media this morning to share the following:

This is what Coronavirus looks like. I am a real person that all of you know. Sorry for the ugly pic but this is an ugly disease. It attacks your whole body. Once I was past the 104 fever and shakes in the first pic it came for my foot. I am good, no need to call or worry. I'm on antibiotics and getting treatment for my foot. This post is not about me, it's about this insidious disease and how you might save your life or a family members. I started this post a few days ago but deleted it because I realized my battle wasn't over yet and I had more to learn about this virus. So here are some things that you need to know.

1. Buy an Oximeter, this fits on your finger and measures your oxygen levels. One of the main reasons people die from this is getting to the emergency room too late. If your oxygen levels drop below 92 the virus is deep in your lungs and you need immediate help. $23 could save your life. Buy one today!!

2. If you do have a cough sleep on your stomach or your side. Your lungs are in your back so push the virus the other way. It wants to get in your lungs. When patients go to the ICU before they are intubated now they are put on their stomachs. Make it harder on the Beast!

3. Stretch, walk, crawl if you have to but you HAVE to move. The "Beast" as Chris Cuomo named it wants you to just lay around. You have to fight even though its tough to move. Make it want to leave your body. Try holding your breath for 10 seconds over and over to strengthen yourself. Work your lungs.

4. Fight the fever! - My amazing Queen stayed up all night putting cold towels on me and bringing me water. My fever was 104-105 and I was shivering so bad I could barely walk. Imagine freezing and burning up all at once. That picture was the NEXT night when I felt BETTER! That was only 103. You have to get your fever down. Only use a thermometer that goes in your mouth. The infared ones aren't accurate enough. Mine was about 1.2 degrees off.

5. Vitamin D, Zinc, Vitamin C, Water with electrolytes.... Take what you feel may help you but don't take anything that will do more harm than good. You won't eat for days so try soup or crackers. I wore my little daddys belt today. I don't know how much weight I have l lost. Those are just some things I used.

6. Everyone's symptoms are different. I never got a cough or lost smell and taste. But it attacked my skin and since I am diabetic it found a little blister turned it into that. It can cause diarrhea, rashes, blisters and all sorts of random muscle pain. No one really knows how this disease works yet. Log your symptoms or ask someone else to. Then if, and lets hope not, but if you have to go to the hospital it can help determine your treatment.

7. Lastly if you do get this, and you are of one the ones does get sick, understand its going to be a long haul. BUT YOU CAN SURVIVE THIS! You will be sicker than you have ever been. I told my wife I wasn't ready to die, called my daughter crying. I was scared and that's OK. You should be scared of this. But then suck it up and fight back. I hope this post helps you or someone you love to overcome this plague that our leaders continue to ignore. Stay home, stay safe and if you have any questions or just want to talk about this virus please reach out.



And then, he shared this picture of his foot.


Most diabetics are aware of the bodily damage associated with the disease.  Maintenance of blood sugars are crucial, especially when it comes to extremities, the functioning of organs such as the kidneys, liver, heart, and more. But to see a visual representation of how the coronavirus can affect the body beyond breathing difficulties is alarming.






Children are said to have mild, possibly unnoticed symptoms. If you child has the sniffles not associated with seasonal allergies, it could be just a common summer cold, but do you really want to take a chance on that child carrying COVID-19 to a grandparent or other high risk individual?

Take the necessary steps to stay healthy and safe. Otherwise, the step you didn't take could cause the next person to have to walk, taking steps with feet like this one.

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6 Ways (Besides Good Hygiene) To Fight COVID-19

Six Ways To Fight COVID-19


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