Dr. Byrts Honored by Woodland Forrest Staff and Students
Each month, leadership assemblies are held at Tuscaloosa City Schools. Student leaders, faculty members, and support staff are recognized. This month's assembly at Woodland Forrest Elementary included a very special celebration.
A few weeks ago, Dr. Terri Byrts, principal at Woodland Forrest, made the announcement that this would be her last year serving in this capacity, as she is taking on a different position in the system.
Dr. Byrts could have gone away quietly, but good leadership deserves honor. So, during this morning's assembly, she was awarded. This was completely by surprise, and her emotion could be heard in her voice as she addressed the student body, faculty and staff, and parents of students at Woodland Forrest.
Dr. Byrts' successor will have big shoes to fill, but the Woodland Forrest family will definitely be warm and welcoming.