Eleven86 is Taking the Water Industry by Storm
Eleven86... Eleven86... Eleven86...
Everybody in Tuscaloosa is discussing this brand of water, which is hitting area stores.
So, what's so great about it?
Well, Eleven86 is water which comes from an artesian well in Autaugaville, AL. In researching this company, I learned more than I ever knew about water.
So, we've all been told that it's not safe to drink bottled water which has been keep in extreme heat, as the products from the bottle can contaminate the water, which is then ingested. The fact that the water is made in Alabama means that it doesn't go to different warehouses and shipping hubs, where it is subjected to high temperatures. Therefore, there is less of a chance of contamination from the bottle.
In addition to that, all the craze now is alkaline water, which has a pH of 9+. However, once ingested, the human body breaks down alkaline water to the level it needs to be, which is around 6.5-7. The pH level of artesian water is already in that range, which means it's less taxing on the body's natural filtration system. So, those with compromised kidney and liver functions may see improvement by drinking artesian water.
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Honored as the "Official Water of the State of Alabama," with Gov. Ivey's seal, Eleven86 is available in Tuscaloosa at Piggly Wiggly stores, Vowell's Fresh Market stores, and Jet Pep service stations.