Usher is facing a real legal battle as four people have come forward to say the singer allegedly didn’t inform them that he had the herpes virus before they engaged in sexual relations with him. On Monday (Aug. 7), Quantasia Sharpton became the first woman to publicly reveal herself as one of the accuser during a press conference.

With her attorney Lisa Boom by her side, the young woman explained how she was handpicked by Usher at one of his concerts and was escorted backstage. After the show, Sharpton alleges that Usher came to her hotel room and they engaged in sexual relations.

“About an hour later, he arrived. We spoke for a while, and then we engaged in sexual contact. He never warned me about any STDs,” she said.

However, Sharpton revealed that she tested negative for the herpes virus, but she’s suing Usher because he should have told her he had the disease before sleeping with her.

Sharpton's press conference has left many people scratching their heads on Twitter. Some folks are questioning the validity of her statements while others are wondering why she is suing Usher if she never contracted an STD.

"If [people] don't believe that Usher slept with that woman because of her size, is that a form of body-shaming?" asked one fan. Another user tweeted, "Usher needs to work on his confessions."

Peep more reactions below.

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