For These Things, I am Grateful
Traditionally, Thanksgiving is recognized as marking the celebratory dinner when the settlers showed appreciation to the Native Americans that helped them survive the land. Over time, it has become a time to give thanks for the things we deem important. It's easy to take things for granted, but at this time of year, most are more deliberate in recognizing blessings.
So, at the risk of forgetting something, I am going to attempt to state everything for which I am grateful:
- Life- Simply the ability to awaken each day, knowing that I have another opportunity beginning with a clean slate to be better than I was the day before and to give Love.
- Salvation- The peace of knowing that if I died today, in Heaven I'd lift my eyes.
- My family- From my parents, to my daughter, to my siblings, grandparents, aunts and uncles, and cousins. I have the most awesome family in the world. Nobody can tell me differently. So, don't even try.
- My friends- There's a saying that friends are the family we choose. The statement is probably the most accurate definition of friendship I can find.
- My support system- Simply a combination of my family and friends. I appreciate everybody who does anything that helps me to do all that I'm assigned, from taking care of my child, to cooking dinner for us, to unexpected gifts. You all rock!
- The Greater Tuscaloosa community (city, county, and surrounding areas)- We live together, we fight together, and we build together. Tuscaloosa tops MY list of "The Best Big Little Cities to Live," and yes I meant to say "big little." We don't have the size of other metropolitan areas, but in terms of the arts, music, theatre, and culture, Tuscaloosa businesses and talented citizens provide enough activity for life to not be so bland. Yet, the community is small enough for us to enjoy life's simplicities.
- Employment- As much as I appreciate being compensated for the work I do, I think WHAT I do for a living means more. I sincerely enjoy speaking to the masses each day. For me, it's not a matter of ego but one of service. I love serving my community ON and OFF the clock.
And last but certainly not least: I am so grateful for food, clothing, and shelter! While things like technology and certain luxuries are great as well, the necessities are most important.
Happy Thanksgiving, everybody!
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