Hackers Reportedly Leak ‘Game of Thrones’ Script and Other HBO Episodes Online
If there was giant wall of ice surrounding HBO to protect the network’s most precious properties, well, that sucker has come crashing down. The company has become the target of a recent cyber attack after The Night King a group of hackers reportedly infiltrated the network’s systems. And some secretive Game of Thrones data has allegedly leaked online.
According to Entertainment Weekly, an email from an anonymous sender (no not that Anonymous) was sent to various reporters announcing that “the greatest leak of cyber space era is happening.” The email encouraged journalists to download the leaks, which reportedly included Game of Thrones, Ballers, and Room 104. Then the email promised to give an interview to whatever outlet spreads the news “well” before signing off on the menacing note, “HBO is falling.” Wait a second… is this a ploy by HBO to hint at the eventual crumbling of The Wall? (You best believe that thing is coming down.) They did make us stare at a block of ice for hours to reveal a date.
HBO confirmed the hack to EW on Monday morning, adding that “proprietary information” had been compromised, but that the company was working with law enforcement and security firms. Though the network was quiet about what exactly that info was, the hackers are reportedly claiming to have stolen 1.5 terabytes of data, which is the size of your average portable external hard drive – it might seem small, but just think of how many movies you can fit on one of those things. According to EW, the hackers have supposedly leaked an upcoming episode of Ballers as well as Room 104, and written material (possibly a script or treatment) related to next Sunday’s fourth episode of Game of Thrones.
This certainly isn’t the first time hackers have tried to spoil major properties for fans. Back in April, one hacking group infiltrated Netflix’s systems and leaked the fifth season of Orange Is the New Black. The following month Disney was the target of a cyber attack where a group of hackers threatened to leak an upcoming film if their ransom demand wasn’t met (that alleged hack turned out to be a hoax). We know you can’t wait to see more of Jon Snow and Daenerys hanging out, but c’mon, practice some patience!
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