How much Do You Spend A Year When Going Out To Eat Twice A Week?
In 5 years, you could buy a car with the money that you spend going out to eat twice a week.
So you guys know how much I like doing different surveys, well this is the kind of survey I hate! You know...the ones that tell you how much money you would have saved if you didn't do this or buy that! Kinda like this one! However, If you're wondering where all your money keeps going, then YOU may want to check this survey out.
A new study looked at how much the average American is spending on two things: Going out to eat and grabbing drinks like coffee and smoothies
The average person eats at a restaurant or orders takeout or delivery 2 times a week, you spends an average of $19.58 each time. That adds up to about 125 times a year, and costs a total of $2,443.
We buy drinks like coffee or smoothies 2.5 times a week, at an average of $3.72 cents each time. That adds up to 130 times a year, and costs us $484.
Basically, when you add it up, we're spending $2,927, YEARLY at restaurants and coffee shops. Which means in the last five years, you've dropped $14,635. You could've gotten a brand new car for that!
To read more about this survey, Click here.