I Was Today Years Old When I Found Out How to Make Oatmeal
Do you REALLY know how to make instant oatmeal?
Well, I thought I did. I've been on this earth for 51 years and have probably been making my own oatmeal since I was in college.
[Stop rolling your eyes at me.]
Yes, I was spoiled by my mother. I didn’t have to do too much cooking growing up.

I was visiting my dearest childhood friend and her mother was visiting too. So, I was in the kitchen whipping up my instant oatmeal. I was on the hunt for a measuring cup. BFFs mom asked what do you need that for? I responded to measure the water for my oatmeal.
Next thing I know, I hear “Now Mary, do you not read the back of the oatmeal packet?
"Ahhhhh, no. It’s oatmeal" I responded.
[Thought to myself]“Seriously, who reads the instructions to oatmeal? I figured I can just wing it.”
She flipped the package open and pointed.
I was today years old when I found out how to make instant oatmeal.
[The right way.]
I guess something has changed along the timeline with packaging. Apparently, there's a little line. You can actually use the instant oatmeal packet to measure out the amount of water that you need to make the oatmeal.
I was reminded that “reading was fundamental.”
I felt 14 years old again.
You can't tell me that you just don't dump the oatmeal in the bowl, pour some water in, swish it around, hope for the best, and say "that looks about right." I can't be the only one.
OK, I’ll fess up I don’t really believe in reading instructions. That’s why I got my cousin Doug in my life. He reads EVERYTHING. I typically hand over anything that deals with a bunch of instructions to my cousin Doug to figure out. He always asks “did you read the instructions?” and I lie and say YES. It’s a system that has worked for 30 plus years, why mess with it.
The moral of the story is to make sure you read the instructions and get somebody in your life that will put you on the spot for not doing things the right way. I'm glad I got BFFs Mom and my cousin Doug.
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