Impact Nation Presents Toys for Tots to US Marines
For several years now, Impact Nation Fellowship Church has been a supporter of Toys for Tots, an effort by the United States Marine Corp to provide children with toys for Christmas. Today was the Sunday of celebration for collected 2018 donations.
Each year, the church hosts a friendly competition between the men and women to see which would collect the most. Considering the belief by some that most churches are comprised of more women than men, the donations of toys for this campaign are quite comparable.
According to Tanisha Craig, one of the planners for the church's event, this year's drive resulted in the collecting of 3 bicycles, 224 top notch toys, and 13 stocking stuffers!
At a time when churches catch a lot of flack for lack of visibility in their communities, it's nice to be able to highlight one where service to others is still imperative.
An annual toy collection is not all. The Impact Nation has a community outreach ministry which regularly serves in shelters, donates food and service to Campus Life, and hosts a campaign to raise money for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital among other charitable work.
If you know of another church which is active in its community, we'd love to highlight it! Send an email to jade.nicole@townsquaremedia.com with your contact info.
(The address to Impact is 1110 26th Ave East; Tuscaloosa, AL 35404, or for more information, click here.)
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