Impossible Question With Mary K – Week of March 23rd
Impossible Question With Mary K – Week of March 23rd
Be sure to listen weekdays in the 6 pm hour for the Impossible Question with Mary K. The first person to answer the impossible question correctly wins a dozen of Krispy Kreme Doughnuts at 205.391.0093! Also, be sure to download our free app because I’ll be sending alert reminders about when to call in for the Impossible Question.

Questions will be updated daily and the answers will be provided after it has been answered on 92.9 WTUG!
Impossible Question for Monday March 23, 2020
Question: 69% of people choose not to date someone because of this-what is it?
Answer: Their Teeth
Impossible Question for Tuesday March 24, 2020
Question: This is the dirtiest part of an Uber car-what is it?
Answer: window button
Impossible Question for Wednesday March 25, 2020
Question: This is the 2nd most stolen snack at work-what is it?
Answer: Fruit
Impossible Question for Thursday March 26, 2020
Question: 49% of parents say this this is the most challenging aspect of parenting-what is it?
Answer: Discipline
Impossible Question for Friday March 27, 2020
Question: 70% of us no longer believe we’ll see this in our lifetime-what is it?
Answer: Flying Cars