It Was A Party at Metro PCS on Friday!!!
Friday after my show, I went to Metro PCS on Culver Road and had a party.We bought pizza, soda, music and Metro PCS provided face painting and balloon making.
It was a great time for adults and kids. I got to meet so many faithful listeners in the community. We got a lot of people signed up for Katt Williams tickets and a D'Stress Pack. The kids were running around showing off their face-paint and dancing to the music.
Plus, everyone was excited about the Metro PCS specials on select Smartphones.One couple came to buy a phone and left with THREE for their new business. They were excited to say the least.
Before we left, people were asking when we would come back. We will definitely be back in the next month or so. But, Metro PCS has great phone specials going on all the time. The best thing about Metro PCS, the price they give you includes taxes and fees so there is never any surprises!
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