Katy Perry Kissed A Boy And He Didn’t Like It!
Have you sen the "New" American Idol? I did...not impressed yet!
I'm not sure the the judges have a chemistry...maybe they just need some more time to spend together...I guess.
My issue is with Katy Perry, she seems like she's using American Idol to get a man. The only episode I saw was the second one, I believe. She was flirting with this guy, he told her he had a girlfriend. What he didn't tell her was that the girl was outside! She had her ear to the door and was listening, at times, she had a surprised look on her face when hearing what was said. So she did what most girlfriends would do, bust in there, jump into his arms and give him a big ole kiss! Katy Perry almost turned red as she turned away.
Well, that was the last time I looked at it but this morning, I see she was up to her shenanigans again, this time with a boy who's never been kissed before. In an interview, he said if she would have asked, he would have said no...well, she didn't ask....here's the video.
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