‘King James’ Vs. ‘St. Nick’
Cleveland Cavaliers superstar LeBron James has an issue with University of Alabama head football coach Nick Saban.Last week, Alabama football released a trailer for 'Shop Talk,' with Alabama alumnus Julio Jones joining Saban and other football players for an off-the-cuff round table discussion in a barbershop setting.
LeBron has released two parts of the web series 'The Shop' featuring Bron and friends and sports and pop culture figures chatting it up while getting their hair cut.
On Monday, Bron & Co. sent a letter to Alabama addressing concerns over copyright infringement and intellectual property.
Even though Alabama has it's own barbershop in the Mal Moore Complex, Lebron seems to think that they are using his idea.
A letter sent to Alabama invites them to a conversation before "rushing into legal proceedings."
If LeBron had any fans in Alabama he just lost them. You DON'T take on The University of Alabama, and especially Saint Nick and expect to have any fans to follow you.
If it comes down to Nick vs. LeBron....I pick Nick.
P.S. We know who the clown(Bron Bron) in the picture is.....
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