Knoxville, Tennessee or Tuscaloosa, Alabama: So Many Orange Cones in T-Town
Am I the only one who's getting a headache in Tuscaloosa from multiple sources? The most prominent one obviously seems to be the weather. The second one?
The amount of orange in the city of champions is way too much. To the point where I wonder where I live sometimes. Why is Tuscaloosa literally under construction almost every day of the year?
I swear I pass at least one construction project per day, and it's normally on the roads leading to the station. It also seems like McFarland always needs a new repave almost every other week, doesn't it?
At this point, I might fall asleep and see orange cones. Sounds like a nightmare that I want to wake up from right now, even wide awake.
But in hindsight, I understand why so many projects are going on currently. With the influx of people coming in and out of the town due to sporting events, graduations, and just the general amount of people in town.
But still. the more road projects going on, the less space there is for anyone to get around. Then road rage increases and then it just gets sillier to say the least.
Also when the weather gets bad let's not even start on how the roads get. No using of blinkers and yelling all over the place right?
So how do we speed up the process here? Do we need more people working the construction areas, or do I need to put on an orange vest?
Actually, don't make me wear that, orange isn't part of my color wheel.