Leaving a Water Bottle in Your Car Can Start A Fire
Have you ever left a water bottle left a water bottle in the car? I do it all the time but after reading and seeing how it could start a fire, I won't do it anymore!
Did you know that leaving a half-full bottle of water in your car could start a FIRE.. Here's how it can happen . . .
When the sun hits a plastic bottle at the right angle, the water in bottle can act like a lens, and concentrate the light on one specific point.
It's exactly like using a magnifying glass. Under the right conditions, that pinpoint of light can cause smoldering, or worse.
A group of firefighters in Oklahoma posted a video last year that shows how it can happen. I guess the positive side of this is you can do the same thing if you need to start a fire in a survival situation.
The odds of a water bottle setting your entire car on fire are pretty low but the upholstery can get a burn in it, however, if the bottle happens to be next to something flammable, it could very well start a fire.
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