Mind Changers Prepares for Lock-In, Fri. March 13
(Credit: Facebook/Romel Gibson)
Each year, Mind Changers and its community allies team up to provide a complete night of fun activities, empowerment sessions, and mentorship for area young men.
This year’s Lock-In event will take place at the Plum Grove Baptist Church Development and Outreach Center on Friday, March 13 beginning at 7 p.m. and will end at 7 a.m. Saturday, March 14.
Young men ages 14-18 are encouraged to attend this all night adventure of basketball and video games in addition to purposeful conversation and motivational speakers.
The cost is only $5 per young man, and registration is required. Pre-registration may be completed online at www.mindchangers1.org or onsite, beginning at 6 p.m.
Because this event is hosted by nonprofit organizations, those willing to sponsor one or more may do so as a charitable donation. For more information on how to do so or to donate other services or time, contact Rodney Pelt at mindchangers1@gmail.com.
Be sure to share this with your family, friends, and young men who you think would benefit from this event (which is all young men between the ages of 14 and 18).