Monique and Mezrano tomorrow!!
Do you need an injury Lawyer?
I'm sure you know by now, every other Wednesday, Attorney Steve Mezrano comes to the studio with me and answers all sorts legal questions that are either called in, sent through text or even email....for free! Do you have a question for Steve? Send it in now! No names are given out, so if you have a question about divorce, your spouse will never know it was you! LOL, but seriously, if your question doesn't make it on the air, he will personally get back in touch with you off air and answer your question!
Steve always comes with surprises! Tomorrow is no different!
Steven Mezrano and Monique Jordan will be picking a winner for the Alabama Men's Basketball Vs.Louisiana Tech Bulldog Basketball Wed. night!
Make sure you're listening tomorrow to find out how to win these tickets! Good luck!