New Billboard Takes Shot at Tuscaloosa Mayor
When one is out and about in Tuscaloosa, maintaining awareness of other drivers is probably one of the greatest concerns.
Let's face it, in a town that's heavily populated by college students and young drivers, it is important to pay attention to other motorists around you. Otherwise, you run the risk of clipping a vehicle or being clipped by a driver who erroneously thought he had enough space between you and the car in the next lane to squeeze in.
So, be sure to have our radio station programmed in your vehicle and make sure you have our FREE app so you don't miss breaking news or anything else.
Now, unless you're willing to take that risk and look around while driving or you were a passenger, you've probably missed this shot:
Because the seven-member Tuscaloosa City Council has three black members, it's highly unlikely that this is Pate's target. Could it be the Tuscaloosa Builds program, which calls for a percentage of city projects to be given to minority contractors, though the term "minority" can be assigned to women of all racial backgrounds? Or maybe it's calling attention to the judicial system which disproportionately incarcerates Black people and then refuses to hire qualified personnel because of their criminal records.
The billboard does not clarify its exact meaning.
But does it have to?
One thing is for certain: When Stan Pate makes a statement, people listen.
It's not just the fact that he's accumulated a massive amount of real estate in the city or even that much of his property is desired by those who want to develop it.
Most are drawn to the fact that Pate says what he wants, does what he wants, and makes no apologies for it. He holds fast to his beliefs and lets no one push him around or force him to make a decision.
No doubt about it, if Pate truly is the person behind this billboard, there's more to come from this saga; and we'll be sure to keep our eyes and ears open for it.

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