Not to do a recap of  what's happened this past week in America because you would actually have to be living under a rock to really miss what's going on, It's Bad, really, really bad.

To really understand what's going on in America right now lets go back to Tuesday morning when Alton Sterling was selling CD's, mind you selling CD's outside a corner store in Baton Rouge and was Killed by two Police officers, keep in mind he had permission from the store owner to do so. There was two separate cell phone one the owner of the store captured it all on video, so many angles and one actually showing the officers shooting him point blank in the chest.

The Next day Philando Castile was hot and killed after a routine traffic stop in Minnesota. It was streamed live on Face book live by his girl friend. Also her 4 year old daughter in the back set.

This was followed up by the devastation that took place in Dallas Thursday night when 11 police officers were ambushed during a peaceful rally, 5 of the police officers was killed.

This is Bad, really bad, Some People can't come to grips that there is a problem, can't make a change if you think there's nothing wrong. I saw a dude name Joe Walsh on the news, that dude wanted to make me throw up. We need reform, we need something, we need this country fixed in the worse way. I have friends that feel a certain way right now, and confusion is everywhere. They will continue to feel that way until something positive happens, because America can't take another week like this one.

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