Remember Me Thursday! These T-Town Pets Are Looking For New Homes
Remember Me Thursday! These T-Town Pets Are Looking For New Homes
Often times, pets in animal shelters are overlooked. personally, I feel like these pets have the most love to give and deserve a loving home.
September 24, 2020 is Remember Me Thursday. This is the day where we take the time to acknowledge those pets who are currently orphans but soon hope to have a new loving home. It's also a time to speak on the importance of pet adoption. According to Remember Me Thursday, speaking on pet adoption has amazing benefits. Three major benefits are increased pet adoption rates, a decrease in puppy mill sells, and euthanasia also decreases.
The numbers on euthanasia are way higher than I thought they'd be. Annually, Over 1 million pets are euthananized. Almost every pet I've ever had in my life has been adopted. The crazy thing is, I never noticed it until I was almost an adult. I thought this was just how people got pets, from animal shelters. We'd always get a dog from animal shelters, or people that were getting ready to give up their dogs to a shelter.
I think me always having an adopted do is why I love our partnership with the Humane Society Of West Alabama. We team up with them every week and promote a pet that's up for adoption. There have been some pretty great potential pets at the HSWA that deserve a new home. So for Remember Me Thursday, I thought it'd be great to give a list of animals that are still up for adoption and could use a new forever home.
10 Pets In West Alabama That Could Use A New Home
If you're interested in adopting pets from the HSWA, call them at 205-554-0011 or email humaneswa@yahoo.com to request an appointment.

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