As of late, there seems to be an increase in wishing a Happy Father's Day to single mothers. It has even gone so far that marketing departments are targeting single mothers. So, we had to discuss it!
This week's edition of Woman Talk Wednesday was published late because a good bit of editing had to be done. It was either "cut it out" or *bleep* it. We chose to cut it. Hey, we're not just women. We're ladies!
At some point, we've all received a gift that we wished would have remained a thought. We don't want to seem ungrateful. So, we express our gratitude, but in the back of our minds, we're thinking, "That wasn't a gift FOR ME!"
On the debut episode of Woman Talk Wednesday, Jade and Monique talk about hot flashes and how to deal with them after Jade explains why she thinks she's starting to get them.