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Taraji P. Henson Offered Free Therapy Sessions For Black Men

Taraji P. Henson Offered Free Therapy Sessions For Black Men

Mental health is a hot topic these days and for good reason. Often times black men arent afforded the opportunity to attend or aren’t made aware of therapy as an option. Award-winning actress Taraji P. Henson is doing what she can to change that narrative. 

Through her Boris L. Henson Foundation, Taraji P. Henson is offering free therapy sessions to black men.  I first found out about this on Facebook. I thought it was a meme that was spreading fake information. After I went to the website provided, I saw how real it actually is. This is something that is very well needed in our community. Unfortunately, the registration window is now closed, but it made me think of something. How many African-American therapists are in my area and where would I go to find them?

I found so many different sites that help specifically with finding black therapists, especially ones that offer online sessions. With COVID-19, some people may want to be safe in their homes doing a session. There are even options for those who don’t have insurance. I know that’s a major concern when dealing with anything in the health area. According to Essence, you can ask for sliding scale fees. Essence also provided this list of directories to search for black therapists.

Here is the list of providers:

I encourage black men and women to seek therapy. It’s not often talked about in our culture but it is something that I believe we all need. I’ve been to therapy myself multiple times and it’s helped me through some of the hardest moments of my life.

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