A woman was found dead yesterday after firefighters from Northport, Coker and Mt. Olive extinguished a fire at a residence on Mary Drive in Northport. The victim has not been identified, but is believed to be a resident of the home.

According to Tuscaloosa Police, Officer Jimmy Smith was arrested yesterday, charged with violating a restraining order. He had been arrested in August, charged with two counts of first-degree sodomy and one of domestic violence-strangulation of his ex-wife. The $65,000 bond he paid after his August charges has been revoked.

Democratic gubernatorial challenger Parker Griffith is accusing Gov. Bentley of breaking a 2010 campaign promise that he and his family wouldn't profit from the office of governor. Griffith says one of the governor's sons has a business that provides fuel to the state Department of Transportation.

North Alabama school officials say two elementary school students have been diagnosed with Enterovirus D68.

Cell phones confiscated from Alabama prison inmates are being used to prevent domestic abuse, with more than 4,000 unused phones being donated to HopeLine.

Another White House fence-scaler was apprehended by Secret Service agents last night. This comes about a month after a previous fence jumper carrying a knife got into the White House.

A new poll finds some level of confidence that the U.S. health care system will work to prevent Ebola from spreading, but there is still some skepticism among those asked if they believe their local hospital can safely handle an infected person.

Police are tracking the recent movements of an Indiana man who's confessed to killing seven women and has hinted at more victims. Right now, Darren Vann has been charged in two deaths.

Last night, the Kansas City Royals beat the San Francisco Giants 7-2 in Game 2 of the World Series. Game 3 will be played tomorrow.

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