This Week at Woodland Forrest Elementary: Graduations, Celebrations, Talent Shows and More
With as much as I've been at Woodland Forrest Elementary School this year, you'd think they would have a reserved parking space for me by now, but they don't. Just like the rest of the parents, I have spent an incredible amount of time at the school this week.
It started with the 1st and 2nd grade celebration on Monday. With two of my brothers and I having daughters the same age, of course we all had to be there to celebrate our little ladies.
By the way, I LOVE seeing men support their families..... Especially when the men are my three brothers. I grabbed this one just because.
Then, with all of us having been there on Monday, there was no way I was going to miss the 5th grade "graduation" of my niece Allayna.
Today was the school's talent show. Jireh decided to enter, doing gymnastics. Anyone who knows me knows that by this time, my phone had died. But I noticed the people sitting next to me were live on Facebook. So, I asked for permission to grab their video.
All of these events took place before my work day began. So, each day has been long but so worth it!