Tiffany Haddish has been cast to star alongside Kevin Hart in the Universal comedy film Night School. With Girls Trip just crossing the $100 million dollar box office mark, it's perfect timing for the breakout actress to reunite with director Malcolm D. Lee and producer Will Packer on the film which is also produced by Hart's production company Hartbeat Productions.

The movie is based on a story by Hart and follows a group of misfits who are forced to attend adult classes hoping to finally pass the GED exam.

In a recent interview with The Hollywood Reporter, The comedic actress dished about the type of movies she wants to do in the future. "I really want to try action movies," said Haddish,  "I would love to do an action flick. I would love to do some mystery or murder mystery type of stuff. Even thrillers, it depends on what it is, but I would do a horror movie. I ain't messing with no demons or anything like that."

Haddish's first stand-up special, Tiffany Haddish: She Ready! From The Hood to Hollywood, is premiering on Showtime today (Aug. 18).  The new comedy star will also play opposite of Tracy Morgan in the upcoming TBS series The Last O.G. which premieres on October 24, 2017.

Night School is set to release in theaters on September 28, 2018.

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