Tuscaloosa Artist Offers Painting to Your Favorite Music
Question: Can you dance, rap, and paint at the same time? Of course you can!
Most people in Tuscaloosa have had a moment (or several) where they’ve said, “There’s nothing to do.” Many entertainers and entrepreneurs have been working to change that ideology; and one of the city’s most fun events is on the way!
Ever since videos began to circulate of painting parties with urban entertainment, there has been interest in having something similar in Tuscaloosa.
(Warning: Contains strong language.)
Looks like fun, right? You enjoy music and art but aren't really the club type, and you don't see yourself as the type to sit in a studio to ponder over a piece? Well, here's a way to combine those elements. Think Tuscaloosa is ready? Might as well be.
Former art instructor at Painting with a Twist, Mitchell Jones II, is holding sessions in Tuscaloosa with DJ Tank Sinatra providing the music. Click here for more information!
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