Tuscaloosa Chapter of the SCLC to Host Virtual Unity Day
Each year, the Tuscaloosa Chapter of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference commemorates the observance of Dr. Martin Luther King’s birthday with what has been coined as Unity Day.
This event, held on MLK Day, normally begins with a breakfast at Beulah Baptist Church. For a small donation, attendees enjoy a meal and fellowship while enjoying greetings and words from numerous civic leaders and elected officials in addition to musical selections, award presentations, and an address by a notable speaker.
After the breakfast, there is a march from MLK Elementary to Tuscaloosa City Hall, where Mayor Maddox addresses the crowds, attending churches and organizations are recognized, and the community joins together in prayer.
Then, at 6 p.m., there is a Mass Rally at First African Baptist Church where there is singing, short speeches among the clergy, the collection of an offering, and a sermon before the service is closed with the singing of “We Shall Overcome.”
However, much like other events, this year’s events will look quite different as COVID-19 precautions are observed.
The breakfast will take place via video and will feature a solo by Thomas L. Davis. The speaker for the breakfast is Beulah Baptist Church Pastor David Gay. As the breakfast would normally conclude, there is a singalong of “Lift Every Voice and Sing.”
Then, at 11:30 a.m., the lineup will begin for a car parade to Tuscaloosa City Hall. It will begin at 12:00 p.m. and will follow the march’s usual route. However, once participants reach City Hall, they will not stop. They will be welcomed by city leaders and encouraged to move along to their next destinations.
At 6:00 p.m., supporters will reconvene online for the Mass Rally where the Rev. Clarence Sutton, Jr. will deliver the message.
Tax deductible sponsorships are still available through Sunday, January 17 at 5:00 p.m. For more information, send an email to tuscaloosasclc@gmail.com
Be sure to spread the word, and make sure you have this station’s app and that you opt in for notifications so you don’t miss any part of Unity Day 2021.

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