Tuscaloosa City, County Schools Reading Allies Volunteers Needed
Reading Allies is in desperate need of volunteers for 8 Tuscaloosa City Schools and 4 Tuscaloosa County Schools.

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This Spring will require 700 total volunteers to operate their 10-week program. The literacy program helps below-grade-level readers rise to grade-level standards through individualized community tutoring.
According to the press release, the program needs 150 more volunteers and begins on “the week of February 13th and runs through the week of April 24th. Sessions are only 30 minutes and volunteers are committed for the semester, and programs are offered Mondays-Thursdays.”

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If you are interested in becoming a volunteer visit readingallies.org or visit @ReadingAllies on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for more information.
(Source) The press release was sent to Townsquare Media Tuscaloosa.
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Rising Star Character Students of the Month
During the 2022-2023 school year, Tuscaloosa City Schools, along with Townsquare Media Tuscaloosa, Legal Services of Alabama and Child Abuse Prevention Services, will highlight Rising Star Character Students of the Month from each school in the district, highlighting two to three students each month.
Here's a recap of the previously recognized students!
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